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Sick Child

When to Keep Your Child Home

To help with your decision on whether to send or not to send your child to school, below are a few instances, only one needs to be present to keep your child home. Masks are encouraged, especially in case of a constant cough or runny nose. I have masks available in the Health Office.

Keep Your Child Home If:

  • POSITIVE COVID-19 TEST (call school for latest restrictions)
  • EXPOSURE FROM A COVID-19 POSITIVE PERSON (call school for latest restrictions)
  • FLU
  • FEVER (temperature of 100 or greater) Must be fever free for 24 hours
  • VOMITING or DIARRHEA wait 24 hours after last episode
  • STREP THROAT until been taking antibiotics for 24 hours
  • HEAD LICE until initial treatment completed according to instructions on package
  • BAD COLD/CHILLS/COUGH constant harsh cough and runny nose

By doing a few precautionary measures such as keeping your child home when needed and testing it will provide the best outcome for the wellbeing of our community.

Any questions or concerns please feel free to call the health office at (315) 899-3323 extension 207.

Katrina Townsend

School Nurse